Read the paragraph below and tell me whether it sounds familiar !!!
[-person xyz-] has said on Someday that the entire [-professional-] system could not be brought into disrepute because of a few erring [-professional-]s. “We do not mind studied and fair criticism, but attempts should not be made to generalise the wrong doings by a few,” said [-person xyz-] on the occasion of the [-someirrelevantforum-].
“Anybody coming out with allegations against any member of the higher [-profession-] should keep in mind that they have solid material to back it up instead of painting everyone black with the same brush. If you feel that a [-professional-] is corrupt, then take a stand and name him in public and tell the [-chief authority-] instead of making a generalisation. Do not put all [-professional-]s in one basket. Do not bring the entire [-profession-] into disrepute..,” he said.
The [-person xyz-] emphasised the need for uplifting the integrity, excellence and competence of the [-profession-], saying that this would enable them to maintain the confidence and trust of the people. “People have faith in the [-professional-]s and because of the wisdom of the [-professional-]s they rely in [-profession-],” he said.
“If [-professional-]s are of integrity, they will not worry about accountability and the [-professional-] Accountability Bill, he pointed out.“[-professional-] independence is the corner stone of the [-institution-] and for that we need public confidence and public trust.”
Now how many of you feel that you heard this before. Substitute Profession and Professional with whatever you want - be it GovernemntEmployees and Government, or Doctors and medical profession, Politicians and politics !
Yes, it is very apt to the modern Indian setup of today. A new welcome addition to this "club" is judiciary. It is precisely at the attempt to ensure accountability that Justice Kapadia the CJI of the SC lamented the above with Judges and Judiaciary as the combination here... How apt, it is scarily similar....
I would recommend Justice Kapadia, to look into the judge who for unexplained reasons reduced the compensation for victims of uphaar tragedy in Delhi in SC last month. Or look at the list given to him by the Bhushans. Finally, recommend that truth is defense when it comes to contempt of court cases....
Somehow, I don't think this will happen. Maybe he knows a thing or two about judicial corruption amongst fellow brethren in the Judiciary... Else, why he would choose to hide behind this blanket statement that we have heard about all other professions.... He is another MMS, though personally honest they are presiding over a monstrosity that is corrupt...
A new pontiff has arrived on the scene, folks.....
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