To the lawyers in Karnataka, who decided to protest against biased media coverage, first of all my sincere thanks for bringing attention to the totally biased coverage of the media -- which is normally pro-congress and frequently goes into an over drive roasting anything anti-congress. Folks, this is media (especially the English kind) in India.
By, taking to violence the lawyers have committed a stupid mistake. The core issue is now forgotten and “Lawyers” have become the issue because of their tactics. I understand their desperation in highlighting the media bias but any amount of desperation can’t justify this violence.
Please launch an awareness campaign about the media, through socializing and various alternative forums, e.g. I stopped buying “THE HINDU” removed NDTV from my list of paid channels etc… The media only listens to TRP ratings and drop in revenue. So adopt that route and drop such tactics…
Else you will be only furthering the agenda of the NDTV brigade… Now, that should get you listening isn’t it ?
The situation is so ridiculous that the media now interviews the Kapil “I am the best in licking the Nehru Gandhi family shoes Clean” Sibal, and with an up turned nose and frown, he declares “Media is of paramount importance to our nation…” and he is the darling now… In case anyone remembers, this bastard wanted to curb online media, as that is the only medium his Maatha can't control. Isn’t this the exact opposite of what you folks wanted to achieve ?
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