When your worst fears come True…
I wonder how many of you noticed the confession from the NGO factory
queen “Teesta” on TV today… The SIT delivered its closure report to the
court concluding that there is no evidence to prosecute Modi, hell not
one of the 63 folks against whom this bitch manufactured evidence
(including the same Xeroxed affidavits given to people and coaching
classes on how to be a credible witness
to corroborate things) were deemed worthy of further pursuit. It is not
just some biased hindutva person who is against her, but the cases which
have been accepted by judges as there is primafacie evidence against
her…. Stand as proof.
She with fellow sickulars operated in
classic “circular reference” model. Where in each one will refer to few
friends as “sources” and in the end the reference chain will come a full
circle as well. Lot of words like “mass murderer”, lakhs still
displaced, will be repeated ad nauseum. Half truths will be thrown about
in plenty – e.g. a classic quote is even Atal Bihari said “Raj Dharma
should be followed” without saying that in the same sentence AB said
“Narendra Modiji is following diligent Raj Dharma in this case”. For
their own vested reasons, the ndtv brigade made this bitch into a person
of influence, rest is history….
Now I for one fully agree with
Teesta when she said that “Our worst fears came true today”. But
disagree with her on what the fear is -- it is not the fear of Modi
being acquitted, as she should have bloody well known that her fake
evidence pyramid will come crashing down on her. The fear is really
about the court cases she will have to face ranging from at the minimum
contempt of court to perjury…
Yes Teesta your worst fears have come true indeed….
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