Friday, February 8, 2013

Goodbye Afzal Guru....

"You don't understand how government works..., mercy petitions are in a queue and we can't jump that...., Variety of opinions have to be sought and considered...." This is all we have heard from the Italian Congress for the past 10 years whenever carrying out sentences were asked about for convicted terrorists.. To the political spectrum's credit no other category of death penalty was neither brought up and nor discussed...

Now suddenly, realizing the deep shit they are in also under pressure of getting scared at the prospect of a challenger who could trump the yuvaraajaa, the government has suddenly discovered that the tingling it has felt in its back is actually a Spine !!!!

Good riddance afzal, although I can somewhat understand why you would want to bomb and kill the parliament, looking at the politicians... terrorism has to be dealt with in the strongest of terms...

For those that still want to ascribe some good thing to Italian Congress, please ask yourselves how come all procedures which didn't even begin, letter writing to all and sundry which was not done, come election time everything suddenly falls into place !! Others for whom that Italian was the best in religious appeasement well it is a lesson learned. There is a proverb in Tamil "ஆட்டை கடிச்சு, மாட்டை கடிச்சு கடைசியில் மனிஷனை கடித்தது" (the monster I supported, first it went after only the goat, then the cow finally the humans....). Those, that think that someone is good as they appease a particular votebank, remember when the other votebank becomes more crucial, guess who would be at the receiving end....

So those that openly campaign for "Development for all and Appeasement for None" need all our support.... Remember that come elections in 2014...

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