Recently, a documentary filmmaker from India, Vijay Kumar, was detained by immigration authorities in the US, as he had some jihadi material and a pair of steel handle knuckles with him. Mr. Kumar is a documentary filmmaker making films on Jihadi terrorism; he gives lectures on the dangers of how a Jihadi mindset is cultivated in youngsters etc. So the material he had with him was purely “coursework”. Now, on his way back he is now detained in Canada on the same charges? We will come to the unfairness of his case prosecution later, what is glaring is the help he got from Indian consular staff-Which is absolutely nothing, with a very informative statement which said “his dietary needs are being met”. Kudos to the Hindu association of NA, which stood by his side and helped him through all this.
Now, contrast this with the arrest and detention of Dr. Mohammed Haneef who was living in Australia, who procured the SIM which was in contact with the terrorists who caused the blast in Glasgow airport in 2007. Chat history of his conversation with his brother which clearly proved that he had prior knowledge of the blast and even had come encouraging words. You should have been in India, to appreciate the media circus around this terrorist sympathizer. Manmohan Singh appeared on TV, eloquently announcing (well as eloquent as he can get) that his heart goes out to the mother of the Dr. Haneef, true the Indian government left no stone unturned in getting him back.
Why this silence this time ? Such acts make me laugh at when Yuvaraja of congress talks about how they have an inclusive agenda for all Indians… Are Hindus Part of that inclusive growth ? I am not so sure, real secularists like me are really upset…. Of course, NDTV is happy…
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