Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I want us to fail as a nation

I want us to fail as a nation once …

Before you all start flaming me back, let me give more details. I think that a major disaster that happens during common wealth games will have beneficial effects for the longer term. Succeeding in hosting them will cause immense harm to the nation in terms of good governance. With us stepping up economically (despite the government mind you) it would be a disaster if that were to become reality.

Consider this, there has been monumental corruption in the commonwealth games effort. It has degenerated into CongressWealth Games effort. Despite proof staring at them from all angles and literally in every phase of the project there is total silence from the PM, SPM and Yuvarajaa. There is a very calculated stance at (according to the NDTV brigade a very intellectual one) apportioning the blame on the government and not on the folks actually in government !

Corruption in village building, CPWD is responsible, bridge collapses Delhi government engineers and builder are responsible. A toilet paper roll is bought for Rs. 3640, treadmils that cost Rs. 1.5 laks to buy outright are rented for a month for 10 lakhs. A proposal for cleanup is submitted with 1000 laborers at Rs.100/day, it is rejected and a contract is given out for 200 laborers at Rs.800/day. Mr. Kalmadi actually comes on TV and says that media is unfairly blaming him for all the corruption and that he is responsible for Rs. 108 crore only ! Shocking, is this what this country deserves or coming to ?

Through this all, the media has singularly failed to ask the question “OK who is actually responsible for this ?”, they will not as it will directly lead to their paymasters, which is the congress party. To a lay man like me it is obvious that congress is preparing an election war chest for elections in Bengal and Bihar next year.

That is the reason; I feel that the games should fail with a major disaster. So far all we have showcased is our incompetence and corruption. If history, is any indication the only proactive planning that our government would have done is to prepare which officers of the government should get flat allotment from the CongressWealth games village! I am sure, they will leave no stone unturned to do a very good job here… If these games were to fail, then perhaps, there will be media scrutiny as to who is responsible and hopefully, people will get educated and choose someone who can better govern than the bunch of morons.

If they succeed even with hiccups, then the focus will be on how we pulled everything through and instead of follow-up on the monumental corruption of Rs.28000 crore event, the media will sing praises on organizers and at that time, I am sure that Italian Maatha and the Yuvaraja will show up in front of cameras.

That would be a disaster indeed for the nation, I for one am deeply concerned.

PS: When I was young, I always used to wonder why Italian Mafia was in control in sicily and how governments used to collapse in Italy, it had 50 governments in the first 40 years, how a totally corrupt person like Sylvia Berlusconi despite all the scandals and convictions still gets the spotlight. Now I understand that perfectly, we are also heading towards becoming another Italy, we already have an Italian SPM too…

PS2: SPM == Super Prime Minister == Sonia Antonio Maino != Gandhi ever, period.

PS3: It really scares me that I share this desire with Mani Shankar Aiyar...


  1. True..with every country raising serious doubts about the hygiene part and few athletes raising the slow death of the game has started even before the ribbon is cut...

  2. Well, apart from all the corruption, there is another angle to all this. Shiela Dikshit is not Sonia's preferred choice, but she won the elections because of her image. So Sonia wants her to fail and lose her credibility with people. So even a disaster, as you desire, happens, it will be Sheila Dikshit's head that will roll, and not others!!
