Thursday, November 9, 2017

Modern day Aurangazebs...

9th October 2017, Hyderabad:

There they go again....

Our Supreme Idiots in the SealedCoverCourt hit a new low in their relentless campaign and attack on Hinduism, rituals and temple control etc. The court completely banned the sale of firecrackers in Delhi. Good intentions aside, just for sheer stupidity this order has to be assailed. E.g. a delhi-ite can just drive across the corporation boundary and buy them in UP, Haryana etc. and happily light them...

Yet another idiotic arrogant overreach by this unelected, unaccountable a law into itself tyranny - who have time and again reserved their derision only for Hindu rituals. As usual PETA etc. are co-cronies in this lawsuit as to them goats which get slaughtered in EID are scared of the fireworks sound.
All in the cloak of pollution in Delhi, when year after year IITK and other scientific committees are repeatedly pointing out that just damn sweeping and carting away the dust from roads will eliminate particulate matter in the air by Half !!

But then by doing that and really making a difference how can you be perceived as "progressing" (of course only for hindu rituals).

Pathetic, this order will only create criminals out of good folks, watch it.. happen.
What next, to stop the smoke from Haryana/Pujab (when farmers burn their fields to prepare for new sowing) ban agriculture ?

Oops, I may have given (un-intentional) idea to these idiots !!!

Autangazeb banned firecrackers too, at least that bigot was honest about the reason !!!

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