Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mr. Prakash Jha, Learn from Mr. Khan

Well the domino pieces have begun falling, we all were saved from major societal upheaval by the government with several states lining up to ban “Aarakshan” the movie. This movie according to the critics who saw a preview is about the state of education, its availability, opportunities and crass commercialization etc. Unfortunately, it was named “Reservation” (in Hindi) and that set off a huge chain reaction. With folks, who have no clue as to what the movie is about coming out of the woodwork to agitate on “Pseudo-intellectual/secular NDTV” brigade.

The worst culprit is Mr. Kancha Iliah, whose stance of anti-hinduism and highly provocative and objectionable articles/books/interviews are all tolerated by this nation in the garb of intellectual freedom. It was sheer hypocrisy to see him come on TV channels and proclaim “How can we tolerate a movie made by High caste Hindus?” nobody bothered to ask him as to what Hindu caste Saif Ali Khan belonged to… What about his concern for freedom of expression now etc. This was even too low by NDTV brigade’s abysmal standards.

What surprised me is the total absence of the “Pseudo Civil Society” that ensured that we all were enlightened by “My Name is Khan” just a few months ago. Where are they now, why this deafening silence? Well in this comedy show, your guess is as good as mine.

In parting, I want to pass on a tip to Prakash Jha in the future no matter how objectionable your movie is or what kinds of holy cows you want to debate please name it as “Big Bad Casteist Hinduism” or some variant of it. All you need is to rile some fringe Hindu group to denounce it that is it, rest is a free ride. The “Civil Society” will rally, courts also gladly step in and will admonish the governments into providing full protection to the theaters and the audience, even at the cost of a terrorist hit somewhere else…..

Hypocrisy thy name is “Secular Civil Society” in India today.

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