Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Having the Cake and Eating it too....

The rejection by Antonio Maino, (Sonia Gandhi) to provide her tax
returns, exposes her hypocrisy not just in fighting corruption but
exploiting it to the hilt. As chairperson of NAC she enjoys Cabinet
Rank. There is no hesitation on her part to hide behind that and
require Subramaniam Swamy to obtain sanction from the PM to prosecute
her for corruption. But, ministers have been required to declare their
assets etc. along with many others who contest elections.

Now, when her returns were sought for under the RTI fact, Antonio
Maino conveniently "forgets" her cabinet rank and her privileges
instead raises concerns about "personal freedom and privacy" and
refuses to provide them. She is clearly having the cake and eating it

Either you resign from NAC, give up your cabinet rank and agree to
prosecution by Subramaniam Swamy, or provide your returns...

Why is the media not raising much hue and cry at this hypocrisy ?

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